Ultra Realistic Waterfall Destroyed by People with Bell UH1 and Cargo 2.5 ton 6x6 truck
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— This is my first waterfall diorama and I built this landscape on a scale of 1:48. I usually build my models in 1:35. I think this waterfall effect can be implemented very quickly, easily and simply for every model maker.
My kind of water effects can also be used on smaller scales, such as for HO railway model landscapes. I implemented the realistic rocks with semolina shapes from the company NOCH, which I painted with the natural color set from NOCH.
The Bell UH-1 helicopter and the U.S. I built and painted the Cargo 2.5 ton 6x6 truck in advance.
Trees and branches are made of diorama presepe — I planted them with flockage dark green, light green and fastened them with hairspray technique. With these techniques, I have created a realistic scenario that should show what effects humans have on nature. I hope you enjoy watching — until then, Laser Creation-World
Musik / Music
from youtube Playlist
Ode to Joy — Cooper Cannell
Mama — Emmit Fenn
Creek Whistle — Steve Adams
FynestLyk — Noir Et Blanc Vie
Ponte de Abril — Steve Adams
Mama — Emmit Fenn
Allégro — Emmit Fenn
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